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Retail Application Overview:

Using strategically positioned standard or interactive displays and kiosks retailers can use interactive or non-interactive communications for promoting products or services, informing, educating or entertaining customers and engaging them with creative messaging, call to action and rewards.

When used appropriately interactive communication can turn heads, increase brand awareness, engage, empower and amplify a customers in-store experience. Interactive Communication is great for product merchandising, up-selling new high-ticket items, couponing, drumming up interest in store specials, unloading clearance items and on line ordering of products not currently in stock. With interactive systems customers can be entertained with games that offer rewards for playing, customers can be educated to new and creative ways to cook food and informed on new and exciting products.

Through custom way-finding applications, customers can find their way in a mall or through a reward and coupon system can be pulled from the hallways into the sponsoring retailers location. While a customer interacts with a kiosk their actions can be recorded, analyzed and reported and the data can be later used to further enhance the customer experience and a sponsor can learn what makes their customers tick.

These are just some examples of how interactive communication can be used within a retail environment. There are many creative an innovative ways that a retailer can engage, persuade and transact their customer...give Ovideon a call and let us show you the world of creative possibilities.

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